• Question: Why are adults and teenagers less imaginative than children?

    Asked by samandaashishlgs to Simone, Carys on 14 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by benandizaak, willandsasha35646, benandajay10.
    • Photo: Simone Bijvoet

      Simone Bijvoet answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      You tell me! 🙂

      This is a question that is really puzzling me as well. Why do we at a certain time stop playing and pretending. I think part of the answer is that when you get older you are expected to follow certain social rules. I remember when I left primary school to go to secondary school, it was all of the sudden not done anymore to play on the street and pretending to play house and stuff. Who told me that? No one really, but I felt that I was too old for that now and that I should do other things like talking to my friends about boys.. 😉

      I really believe that it’s important to incourage teenagers to keep pretending or, as you could call it then as well, acting. We can do that by giving drama classes at school or encourage other ways of pretending (for example role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons).

      My research is about finding a relationship between pretending and creativity in young children. My idea is that if we find that pretending can make children more creative, this could be the same for teenagers and adults. Because creativity is a thing that adults do accept within their social rules and we in general admire people who are really creative, this might help getting the older people back into using their imagination.

      I hope this answers your question a bit. Do you have any other ideas why teenagers are less imaginative?

    • Photo: Carys Cook

      Carys Cook answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      One theory is that young children have more of a learning capacity in their brains, and are constantly growing new brain cells. They don’t need to worry about looking after themselves as much as adults so have more brain time to think about other things. Although, I know lots of adults who are as imaginative as children, and act like them too! 😉
