• Question: where do you work

    Asked by odonoghue to Carys, Chris, Jeremy, Katherine, Simone on 21 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Carys Cook

      Carys Cook answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Hi there! I am based at Imperial College London, in South Kensington, London.

    • Photo: Katherine Jones

      Katherine Jones answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      I work at a company called GlaxoSmithKline. It’s got research centres all over the world (USA, China, France, Singapore… and lots more…). But I am not in any of these exotic places – I am in sunny Stevenage, Hertfordshire.

    • Photo: Simone Bijvoet

      Simone Bijvoet answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      I work at the University of Stirling in Scotland. I think we have the most amazing campus with a big lake in the middle and loads of squirels and rabbits running around!

    • Photo: Christopher Phillips

      Christopher Phillips answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      i work in a lot of places. 🙂 Sometimes I work on top of the volcano here in Hawai’i.. sometimes I work at the beach.. hehe yes THE BEACH! 🙂 It’s awesome 🙂
      I’ve just come back from Boston in the US where I was working on a cool project and soon I will be going to China, Iraq and Afghanistan.. my work pretty much takes me anywhere in the world 🙂

      Science rules! 🙂
