• Question: what is your most embrassing thing

    Asked by akkelly to Simone on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Simone Bijvoet

      Simone Bijvoet answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hi akkelly,
      I must say that’s quite a difficult question because being an actress (although not professionally) means that I get to do some stuff that others might find really embarrassing. For example I’ve stood in the middle of a busy square and shouted ‘I love oranges!’ and I have crawled over stage through water with my PJ’s on (don’t ask me why).

      But to answer your question a bit, something I do not like to admit and would like to change about myself is that I am sometimes really insecure, especially when it comes to work. I always want things to be perfect and right and if there is something I know about science is you can never be 100% sure. 🙂

      But the actress in me knows that fear can only be overcome by doing it, so whenever I am scared about something, I’ll do it anyway and most of the time it turns out it wasn’t that scary after all. 🙂
