• Question: what is the worst factor that causes global warming

    Asked by benandajay10 to Carys on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Carys Cook

      Carys Cook answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Hmmm….by far and away the worst factor that causes global warming is the pumping of carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere. When we burn coal and gas and oil to produce electricity and fuel for our cars and other processes, we unintentionally put loads of this gas into the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide was laid down in organic matter over many millions of years, but we are pumping it into the atmosphere in a much much shorter amount of time, meaning it is very difficult for the climate to adjust. It is this process that is ultimately causing global warming. There are lots of other things that also contribute to make the situation worse, like chopping down forests – these trees suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, so by chopping them down we reduce the ability for the climate system to cope with the carbon dioxide we put there. Hope this answers you question! 🙂
