• Question: what games do you play with children

    Asked by benandajay10 to Simone on 21 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Simone Bijvoet

      Simone Bijvoet answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      At the moment I play a lot of different games with them. To summarize it briefly:
      – I ask them to move around in as many different ways as possible from one side of the room to the other.
      – They have to come up with as many different things they could do with a cup.
      – I give them a bin and ask them to put cups in the bin in as many different ways.
      – They have to name as many things that are round, move on wheels or make noise.

      Then my own creation, of which I am really proud of course: 🙂
      I give them an invented box with a lot of different things attached to it (like blocks, strings, and there’s a stairs inside the box). The kids are able to play with this box for a while together with some other toys and I just let them play on their own for a while. Afterwards I will count how many different things they did with the toys and the box, and the more they came up with the mor creative they are.
