• Question: do you think the big bang created the universe?

    Asked by pet466 to Carys, Chris, Katherine, Simone on 22 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Carys Cook

      Carys Cook answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Hmmm, that’s an interesting question! My impression of the current understanding of the history of the Universe is that most physicists support the big bang theory as an explanation of what happened at the very beginning of the lifetime of the universe. The fact that the universe we can see today with telescopes like the Hubble, appears to be expanding is pretty convincing evidence that there must have been a starting point where all matter was condensed together and that some event happened to push it all away, like a big explosion. However, there is still so much we don’t know about the workings of the Universe, and it is important to remember that the Big Bang theory is a theory, not fact! 😉

    • Photo: Christopher Phillips

      Christopher Phillips answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Yeah, definitely… but we still don’t understand how the Big Bang happened or why.
      We’ve got a ton of questions right now but no answers.. yet.
      All the evidence points to the universe being created in a violent and energetic event that created space and time but we don’t know how it happened.. it’s one of the biggest questions in astronomy right now.
      Check this though.. most people think the big bang happened like an explosion.. you know going outwards from a single point – but the weird thing is that is happened everywhere at once! Not from a single point! Totally nutz!
      Also when people think of the expanding universe they think of a bubble getting bigger and bigger.. again this is wrong. We don’t know the true shape of the universe and when we say it is expanding we mean that it is expanding everywhere in all directions.. not just in one direction like a bubble.
      LOL! This is proper weird science but that’s why it’s cool! 🙂
